Sunday, November 11, 2007

List Of Legendary Pokemons - Deluge

A simple linguistic minority? From

I have repeatedly stressed the obsolescence of the term "French Canadian" identity that was good practice in colonial times (mostly during conscription) where we appealed to the patriotism of the "second founding people" (actually, founder and vanquished him in spite of a country whose main business is its assimilation, see the Durham subject) and identify the "hero" of the heroic resistance of Quebec against General Arnold, the very innocent Dollard-des-Ormeaux, handy Salaberry-de-Valleyfield.

brother soon softened American enemy, the Canadian colony hardly knows what to do with his French-speaking populations and works to deny them the use of this language (except Quebec), so the French had virtually disappeared Saskatchewan and most of Manitoba, while falling so severe and inescapable in Ontario. Canada has indeed established a formal policy of linguistic assimilation, language targeting French and Francophone history. Do not let the current arrangements, particularly the facade of bilingualism, hide our history, or even try to rewrite it for ideological reasons.

policy of multiculturalism Trudeau in 1971, continued to undermine the work by establishing the "French Canadian" in its minority position-as-others and laying the myth of the "founding people" to oblivion pretext of political correctness and friendship Amerindian (another minority disposable, as we saw recently with the Canadian delegation to the UN). Since the first

referendum in 1980 Francophones outside Quebec take the role of hostages language, that Brand (A large reinforcements culture Acadian / Franco-funded Regional and disproportionate air time on Radio-Canada) to create doubt and guilt among the "heartless evil separatists" who dare to abandon their brothers language a certain assimilation (!). Evidence that Canada takes its role as the gravedigger of French America.

must reject this identity by understanding that the charade has gone on long enough, not only French-speaking communities elsewhere in Canada and America have had divergent histories and distinct from ours, being more distant cousins than brothers sharing the same birthplace, but moreover, it is almost certain they would benefit all a strong French state America, exporting its culture and French language funding initiatives across the continent. Otherwise, we melt into accepting the cultural aggregate national (Canadian) as a linguistic minority simple and as socio-cultural group who immigrated to Canada (the policy because "we are all immigrants", etc..) we turn our backs on our own history and our identity.

official Canadian bilingualism exists to protect the anglophone minority in Quebec and in opposition with the constitutional bomb in our little political ammunition. Moreover, according to the federal Liberals' election promises, the notwithstanding clause could disappear during the next decade. With this sword of Damocles hanging over our heads, the gradual neutralization of 101 blows of their constitutional and legal challenges and the failure of our immigration policies francophone be worth the French in Quebec as soon as the French will more critical mass (critical mass would be about 70%, after which there would be a rapid decline and inevitable)?

comfortable myth of "two founding peoples," it has not existed for a long time. Faced with the wolves, why do we accept always be sheep?

Friday, November 9, 2007

Carchoal Recepie Soap

discomfort Quebec identity

With all these social and ideological rifts that resurface in Quebec, the time has perhaps come to share things about our identity project. Because this is a project unfinished and imperfect, whose success will inevitably lead to a desire for greater emancipation policy. Now, decades ago that politicians come brouillier cards and we offer definitions often patronizing and reductive of our own identity. Besides this "we" that we can not define ourselves, and trying to define it for us. It is not possible to be free, to have desires even if it fails to define "us" and to live this "we" with passion and dignity.

look a little identities with which we juggle since the Quiet Revolution, with a backdrop, always, the idea that we would be a minority language within a culture "canadian coast to coast", rotting under the pink lily of Her Majesty the Queen of England.


Thus, there is the Quebec territory, which is also the Quebec government. This is a state without borders and without real autonomy, a purely administrative division exist only because the territory is divided, eventually. As the tourist areas, townships and municipalities, this territorial division provides infrastructure management and maintenance and this has enabled several generations of Quebecers to be janitors home. Like any country, Quebec has its share of arbitrariness, as evidenced by the dividing line that snakes through the peninsula in the Torngat Mountains of Labrador. This division of territory it is supposed to represent a social, cultural? This definition of Quebec (the "territoriality") may extend to citizens who live (by chance) the territory defined above. Quebecers, according to this definition, possess an identity circumstantial and coincidental and are Quebecers simply because they live in Quebec. To instantly lose that identity, they would move to Ontario or New Brunswick! Reduce group identity to the simple street address , the current location of the individual , that an approach that denies the very existence of Canadian provinces, to substitute a monolithic Canada! This is the approach proposed by the federal Liberals.


Quebec-Location is somewhat different, since it relies on a concept of shared values and a common legal framework, developed an original way ... although it carefully avoids naming the "we" and explain the reason for this originality. Lamarck would be proud of this spontaneous generation. So this is a definition that requires a small net spin, all are part of Quebec-civic, but all do not participate as well. This identity is therefore at the junction of the "we-inclusive" and "us-participatory" in the sense that it applies to all by default, but some may feel that more membership, get involved. However, Quebec has not civic- Project unifying identity, by trying to include all costs, it aligns itself to the administrative definition (redundant) and the Quebec territory sacrifices his memory at the altar of "us" legal . Quebec would then exist by force of law, freed from its corporate citizens, static, optionally without historicity. This concept varies so confused between the "Neverland" and "symbolic country." Quebec-civic is more, in my opinion, an ideal secular technocrat rather difficult to achieve and which could lead to the abandonment of any attempt of identity. The question is: The definition Civic Quebec is so different from the definition of civic Ontarian or New Brunswick?


Rest Quebec nation, a concept that attempts to defuse Stephen Harper when redefined (without asking our opinion) the Québécois as "nation in a Quebecoise united Canada. " To read between the lines, we finally discovered that this definition is in itself the seeds of its obsolescence : since the "Quebec nation" can not exist outside of a "united Canada" (outside the territorial and Canadian legal ) then it is simply the Quebec-Canada-territory or civic, but expressed differently.

The Quebec nation, we must reclaim and we define ourselves. Whenever we leave to others to define us, we give them the opportunity to minorized more, we turn into a negligible quantity, we submit to a paternalistic approach, not very different from the submission to the benefits of colonialism British and his superiority complex "civilizing".


Exercise the Bouchard-Taylor is perhaps not as innocent as it seems. This is actually the struggle between all these identities, with the background a fight between the nationalism of isolationism and nationalism opening to the world. These two nationalisms are even within Quebec nation and reflect different historical currents: the whiff of fascist and reactionary local trio-family-religion, as applied to the Duplessis era and very clumsily handled by ADQ, and revolutionary ideals and Republican, still smoldering from Papineau.

should be avoided at all costs that are the pitfalls of nationalism tinged with socialism, which too often drift into a ghetto, or even racial , stemming from our desire for national survival, and nationalism assumed wrong, politically-correct and chilly, from our minority and dominated.

In my humble opinion, that Quebec should arise, once and for all, free and aspiring to a republican ideal . Not only could this horrifying beyond belief and British Canada House to the marrow, but in addition it would give us a vision of society stronger, more powerful than the affectation of civic nationality.