Traquair House Brewery, back in private import
Monday, January 31, 2011
Cholesterol In Chronic Pancreatitis
Traquair House Ale (7.2%)
Flagship beer of the house ale tasting all-malt, but not so heavy residual sugar. The scent of vanilla to levitate her profile fruity reminiscent of plums and dates, all linked by a smooth caramel and chocolate. Alcohol vapors also interfere in the final, closely followed by a slight acidity woodland. It's a very nice Scottish ale beer lovers such as Foghorn of Shelter from the Storm, the Scotch Ale Single Malt or Issuance of Brewers and Brothers.
Traquair Jacobite (8%)
Here's a beer tasters did talk a long time. A strong ale reminiscent of Old English Ales, but containing coriander and licorice (like many Belgian ales). His captivating aroma us into a spicy cake, both heady and complex. Its round body and sweet offer more hints of molasses, vanilla and raisins. His eloquence is such that one could describe it for pages.
Try if you like : Dominus Vobiscum Double the Microbrewery Charlevoix Aphrodisiac God of Heaven! or Abbaye des Rocs Brune of (Belgium). Know that by cons in Quebec do not really like this Jacobite. Prepare yourself for a surprise dessert!
Traquair Bear Ale (5%)
A nice beer thirst that can emphasize gently caramelized malts, a flexible body, suitable for big gulps. The hops are subtle, developing some angles orange and pepper, before issuing a bitterness that balances the flavor profile. A type of beer to drink a pint, with a spread of tastes similar to the Bitter Lion d'Or, the Pale Ale Golding Single Malt or La Rousse Chouape.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Herpes How Many Spots
79th Madness, The Lord of the Rings, Volume 1: The Fellowship of the Ring
In the green meadows of the Shire, the Hobbits, and semi-humans lived in peace ...
until the fateful day when one of them during his travels, came into possession of the One Ring with immense powers. To recover, Sauron, the dark lord, will unleash all the forces of evil ... Frodo, the Ring-bearer, Gandalf, the magician, and their intrepid companions will they manage to remove the threat to Middle-earth?
How about this book ... This book that so many people fear, the book that so many people dropped out because they have not moved beyond the first pages or because "There are too many descriptions" ... Yet this book is a masterpiece, like all of Tolkien books I've read so far. And I can not find it particularly difficult to read. Certainly there are long descriptions, but Again, they serve to describe the universe of Middle-earth and trying to make us think and try to make us understand the universe he has created.
I do not know how to talk about history without spoilers. It is not necessary to have read The Hobbit before reading the Lord of the Rings, but still preferable, since there is reference a few times.
The story takes its time to implement, it does not go at full speed, there is relatively little action. But it is for the good reason that we follow the pattern of the Company of the Ring, the pace especially Hobbits, which obviously can not walk as fast as a man. Tolkien tells us in detail the journey of the Company, there is very little ellipses of time. It follows almost minute by minute what happens to the hero.
Sure, it's been a fairly slow pace, punctuated with many descriptions, but you never get bored, there are no descriptions to the description, text to text to increase the volume of the book. Everything is useful, is interesting.
For example, the heroes meet someone who sings, well we Tolkien transcribed the lyrics of the song. It is sung in Elvish, well the lyrics are in Elvish. So it can be disturbing, and some unnecessary but I think by this method, Tolkien tries to immerse ourselves completely into what people see, feel and live characters. And for my part, it works really well, I suffered with them, I was scared with them, I was tired with them. I was with them somehow.
In summary this is really still a marvel of Fantasy Tolkien signed, and I really recommend to all lovers of this kind of attempt to experience the Lord of the Rings. And even if they can / want to replace it throughout the universe created by Tolkien. As with Common Reading
: Jana , Pomet , ptitelfe , Snow, Amethyst, Azariel87 , wolf, Setsuka , nanet , spots, mypianocanta
1 / 18
The Lord of the Rings, Volume 1: The Fellowship of the Ring
The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
of JRR Tolkien
The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
of JRR Tolkien
In the green meadows of the Shire, the Hobbits, and semi-humans lived in peace ...
until the fateful day when one of them during his travels, came into possession of the One Ring with immense powers. To recover, Sauron, the dark lord, will unleash all the forces of evil ... Frodo, the Ring-bearer, Gandalf, the magician, and their intrepid companions will they manage to remove the threat to Middle-earth?
How about this book ... This book that so many people fear, the book that so many people dropped out because they have not moved beyond the first pages or because "There are too many descriptions" ... Yet this book is a masterpiece, like all of Tolkien books I've read so far. And I can not find it particularly difficult to read. Certainly there are long descriptions, but Again, they serve to describe the universe of Middle-earth and trying to make us think and try to make us understand the universe he has created.
I do not know how to talk about history without spoilers. It is not necessary to have read The Hobbit before reading the Lord of the Rings, but still preferable, since there is reference a few times.
The story takes its time to implement, it does not go at full speed, there is relatively little action. But it is for the good reason that we follow the pattern of the Company of the Ring, the pace especially Hobbits, which obviously can not walk as fast as a man. Tolkien tells us in detail the journey of the Company, there is very little ellipses of time. It follows almost minute by minute what happens to the hero.
Sure, it's been a fairly slow pace, punctuated with many descriptions, but you never get bored, there are no descriptions to the description, text to text to increase the volume of the book. Everything is useful, is interesting.
For example, the heroes meet someone who sings, well we Tolkien transcribed the lyrics of the song. It is sung in Elvish, well the lyrics are in Elvish. So it can be disturbing, and some unnecessary but I think by this method, Tolkien tries to immerse ourselves completely into what people see, feel and live characters. And for my part, it works really well, I suffered with them, I was scared with them, I was tired with them. I was with them somehow.
In summary this is really still a marvel of Fantasy Tolkien signed, and I really recommend to all lovers of this kind of attempt to experience the Lord of the Rings. And even if they can / want to replace it throughout the universe created by Tolkien. As with Common Reading
: Jana , Pomet , ptitelfe , Snow, Amethyst, Azariel87 , wolf, Setsuka , nanet , spots, mypianocanta

1 / 18
Saturday, January 29, 2011
What Do Reactive Lymphocytes Mean
78th Madness: The Wheel of Time, Volume 1
Formerly, the Lord of Darkness wanted to conquer the land, but the Aes Sedai, Master of the One Power, have rejected. Millennia have passed and the Lord will finally out of his jail, and with it, evil, war, desolation, ... Only the Dragon
which guided the Aes Sedai can destroy it. It is said that one day he will rise again to deliver the universe. But when? Before the great final catastrophe?
This is a saga which I had heard for a while, I could see the volumes in store without daring to venture into. And then there 's some time I had the opportunity to have multiple volumes for not much, so I jumped at the chance. When I saw that LC was organized to read the first volume, I jumped at the opportunity, and voila.
First we can say it's well written, the style is nice, it was a good idea of what may look like the characters I found. The story has potential, we want to know what will happen, what will happen to our "hero", and above all I found the original idea of having a mixed group, with characters which "should not" be there, who did not want to be there, some which have all the trouble to support themselves, characters past and mysterious intentions ...
It therefore follows several characters, mainly Rand, Mat and Perrin, who seem to be sought by evil creatures. They will run away from home so as not to put their relatives at risk, and this first volume tells us is their escape along with other characters sometimes mysterious as Moiraine and Lan ...
emphasis is placed on Rand, one of the young people who are the source / cause of the whole story is a character that we feel have a potential hero, but for now we can not say that the development ...
Mat is the "joker", "unconscious" of the group, who tired quickly, so he does not think about the consequences of his words or his actions ...
Perrin is more thoughtful, and as he said himself, he often passes for "slow" because it takes time to weigh its decisions.
I would not talk too much Moiraine and Lan not to say too much, but they are perhaps the most interesting characters ...
Ultimately, this is not a favorite, it was nice, although sometimes I am forced to go a bit further in my reading. The problem is that the pace is slow, it is very slow during the first 100 pages, where nothing happens, then it accelerates a little later and say they will finally be some action, but in reality this is not much faster, although at times it has some minor peaks of action.
For cons, I was reading like seeing things seen in books much more recent and "The Great Devastation" reminds me a lot to the "Desert Bubbly" by Ken Scholes in his saga of the Psalms of Isaak the "Aes-Sedai" me in a way that think of "the Confessor" and "Mord-Sith" by Terry Goodkind in The Sword of Truth ... I do not know if these authors were inspired indirectly by Jordan, or if these are only coincidences, and ultimately does not matter.
was therefore a first volume on which my opinion is somewhat mixed, yet I would read very probably result in still hoping a little more action ...
Lu Commune with Reading: Lisalor , BlackWolf , karline05 , LefsÖ , Melisende
Formerly, the Lord of Darkness wanted to conquer the land, but the Aes Sedai, Master of the One Power, have rejected. Millennia have passed and the Lord will finally out of his jail, and with it, evil, war, desolation, ... Only the Dragon
which guided the Aes Sedai can destroy it. It is said that one day he will rise again to deliver the universe. But when? Before the great final catastrophe?
This is a saga which I had heard for a while, I could see the volumes in store without daring to venture into. And then there 's some time I had the opportunity to have multiple volumes for not much, so I jumped at the chance. When I saw that LC was organized to read the first volume, I jumped at the opportunity, and voila.
First we can say it's well written, the style is nice, it was a good idea of what may look like the characters I found. The story has potential, we want to know what will happen, what will happen to our "hero", and above all I found the original idea of having a mixed group, with characters which "should not" be there, who did not want to be there, some which have all the trouble to support themselves, characters past and mysterious intentions ...
It therefore follows several characters, mainly Rand, Mat and Perrin, who seem to be sought by evil creatures. They will run away from home so as not to put their relatives at risk, and this first volume tells us is their escape along with other characters sometimes mysterious as Moiraine and Lan ...
emphasis is placed on Rand, one of the young people who are the source / cause of the whole story is a character that we feel have a potential hero, but for now we can not say that the development ...
Mat is the "joker", "unconscious" of the group, who tired quickly, so he does not think about the consequences of his words or his actions ...
Perrin is more thoughtful, and as he said himself, he often passes for "slow" because it takes time to weigh its decisions.
I would not talk too much Moiraine and Lan not to say too much, but they are perhaps the most interesting characters ...
Ultimately, this is not a favorite, it was nice, although sometimes I am forced to go a bit further in my reading. The problem is that the pace is slow, it is very slow during the first 100 pages, where nothing happens, then it accelerates a little later and say they will finally be some action, but in reality this is not much faster, although at times it has some minor peaks of action.
For cons, I was reading like seeing things seen in books much more recent and "The Great Devastation" reminds me a lot to the "Desert Bubbly" by Ken Scholes in his saga of the Psalms of Isaak the "Aes-Sedai" me in a way that think of "the Confessor" and "Mord-Sith" by Terry Goodkind in The Sword of Truth ... I do not know if these authors were inspired indirectly by Jordan, or if these are only coincidences, and ultimately does not matter.
was therefore a first volume on which my opinion is somewhat mixed, yet I would read very probably result in still hoping a little more action ...
Lu Commune with Reading: Lisalor , BlackWolf , karline05 , LefsÖ , Melisende
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
How Much Is It To Go Bowling At Amf
77th Madness: Green Hornet, Volume 1: sins of the father
Kevin Smith (acclaimed director of Clerks) has signed the comeback of Britt Reid aka Green Hornet and his faithful assistant, Kato, in an adventure that should have become a movie. After the death of his father, Britt is ready to take over and assume the costume of the Green Hornet?
I remember seeing a few episodes with Bruce Lee on TV when I was younger and I remember that I loved very much. And there I see that during the movie "adapted" in this series, Panini takes a comic whose screenplay is by Kevin Smith.
And louder still, it's actually adapted from a screenplay he had written some years ago for a possible movie adaptation, but he finally gave up finding it impossible to achieve. So it's a different story that of the film, and can therefore read the comic without fear of spoilers from the movie.
Finally, there is a very nice comic. Certainly this is not something extraordinary that will be unforgettable, but it will let you read, there is plenty of action, an original idea, a design worked well and the colors are very pleasing.
The album ends with "To be continued ..." and yes, it is assumed that there will be at least a second album, because there we stopped at what must be the third or fourth of the story. So, I look forward to it so how will the young to fend for Britt ...
Action is very fast, and suddenly it reads too quickly, in less than an hour was over. But we spent a great time to read this Green Hornet Kevin Smith version, and as he says in the preface he wrote for the album version in English: "Wow, it would have worked in film!" and say it's bad it does is ever done.
Green Hornet, Volume 1: The Sins of the Father
Green Hornet, book 1: Sins of the father
Kevin Smith, Phil Hester and Jonathan Lau
Green Hornet, book 1: Sins of the father
Kevin Smith, Phil Hester and Jonathan Lau
Kevin Smith (acclaimed director of Clerks) has signed the comeback of Britt Reid aka Green Hornet and his faithful assistant, Kato, in an adventure that should have become a movie. After the death of his father, Britt is ready to take over and assume the costume of the Green Hornet?
I remember seeing a few episodes with Bruce Lee on TV when I was younger and I remember that I loved very much. And there I see that during the movie "adapted" in this series, Panini takes a comic whose screenplay is by Kevin Smith.
And louder still, it's actually adapted from a screenplay he had written some years ago for a possible movie adaptation, but he finally gave up finding it impossible to achieve. So it's a different story that of the film, and can therefore read the comic without fear of spoilers from the movie.
Finally, there is a very nice comic. Certainly this is not something extraordinary that will be unforgettable, but it will let you read, there is plenty of action, an original idea, a design worked well and the colors are very pleasing.
The album ends with "To be continued ..." and yes, it is assumed that there will be at least a second album, because there we stopped at what must be the third or fourth of the story. So, I look forward to it so how will the young to fend for Britt ...
Action is very fast, and suddenly it reads too quickly, in less than an hour was over. But we spent a great time to read this Green Hornet Kevin Smith version, and as he says in the preface he wrote for the album version in English: "Wow, it would have worked in film!" and say it's bad it does is ever done.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Mavis Beacon Time Cheat
76th Madness: The Dynasty Donald Duck, Volume 1: 1950-1951
Nicknamed by his fans "Human Ducks," Carl Barks has opened an entire universe extraordinary providing laughter and emotion to millions of readers.
Among the many boards were born of his imagination, we find true timeless masterpieces.
This is a book that I did not buy, simply because I did not know existed! I stumbled upon it, and I did not hesitate for long before coming out with. It must be said that a book of a collection that aims to bring together all the stories created by Carl Barks Disney is something that deserves attention. And I must say that I do not regret this purchase. Already
the object itself is gorgeous, a book with flexible blanket box a little stiff, and a back that shows the first of what will make a big plank where all the volumes will be placed side by side. Moreover, we must know that there are 24 volumes of planned everything. So we can assume that 24 volumes is certainly huge, but for a full Barks, who was very prolific I think it's deserved.
Then go to content. And there it is a wonder, stories that most are really beautiful as graphically screenplay. Afterwards, some are a little less good, but the whole is truly excellent. There are no new stories, they are all published in France at least once. Some are well known (at least for me) because they are often reappeared in various journals Disney, others were totally unknown. In any case, one can only admire the genius of Barks who created characters that are familiar to us, but for the time were extremely innovative. It is still the creator of Scrooge or Huey, Dewey and Louie and others. In addition, these stories are not so old, they seem to be timeless, and even reading them today we do not feel so in the 50s.
In summary, this is a really good book that every fan of the Disney ducks must have. I eagerly await the second volume due out in a few months and especially hope Glénat, the publisher that we "offer" this beautiful collection will generate enough sales to go through the 24 volumes planned.
Nicknamed by his fans "Human Ducks," Carl Barks has opened an entire universe extraordinary providing laughter and emotion to millions of readers.
Among the many boards were born of his imagination, we find true timeless masterpieces.
This is a book that I did not buy, simply because I did not know existed! I stumbled upon it, and I did not hesitate for long before coming out with. It must be said that a book of a collection that aims to bring together all the stories created by Carl Barks Disney is something that deserves attention. And I must say that I do not regret this purchase. Already
the object itself is gorgeous, a book with flexible blanket box a little stiff, and a back that shows the first of what will make a big plank where all the volumes will be placed side by side. Moreover, we must know that there are 24 volumes of planned everything. So we can assume that 24 volumes is certainly huge, but for a full Barks, who was very prolific I think it's deserved.
Then go to content. And there it is a wonder, stories that most are really beautiful as graphically screenplay. Afterwards, some are a little less good, but the whole is truly excellent. There are no new stories, they are all published in France at least once. Some are well known (at least for me) because they are often reappeared in various journals Disney, others were totally unknown. In any case, one can only admire the genius of Barks who created characters that are familiar to us, but for the time were extremely innovative. It is still the creator of Scrooge or Huey, Dewey and Louie and others. In addition, these stories are not so old, they seem to be timeless, and even reading them today we do not feel so in the 50s.
In summary, this is a really good book that every fan of the Disney ducks must have. I eagerly await the second volume due out in a few months and especially hope Glénat, the publisher that we "offer" this beautiful collection will generate enough sales to go through the 24 volumes planned.

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