Quebec is now at a critical juncture in its modern identity questions, whose resolution has mobilized the entire political class in 40 years. Indeed, the "Quebec nation" (not her relationship with a historic territory, its institutions like the National Assembly or its objective existence) was tentatively recognized by the federal government, in a gesture whose significance is largely symbolic.
Meanwhile, no specific advantage seems to stem from this recognition, which begins to resemble the facts in a neutralization. The fiscal imbalance has been "approached" in a context not constitutional or legal, but the room at the whim of the Federal. The headquarters of Unesco is still in the carpenter's workshop. The consequences of this recognition of our language laws, Quebec on our institutions, our international relations, were not even considered by our government very timid provincialism.
And meanwhile, it's on TV English TV movie in honor of Elijah Harper, who killed the Meech Lake Accord. Indeed, Quebec has moved from defensive mode (under Bouchard) in standby mode (under Landry) in passive mode (in Charest). One has only to see the severe beating that nationalists and separatists in Quebec are undergoing at the " 400th anniversary of the founding of Canada (sic) by Champlain, which was not the first French 's establish America (re-sic), which was already under the jurisdiction of the King of England (re-re-sic) "sad rewriting of history and political manipulation of an event that could have been celebrated in dignity. It's enough to depress.
(note in passing that we can consider the founding of Acadia, Quebec and Louisiana as three events that are both bound by the French adventure in America, but quickly diverged in their outreach and their destinies. Foundation of Quebec should be seen as the foundation of Quebec , that is to say the starting point of a coherent and distinct human colonization in the St Lawrence. As I noted earlier in this blog, we must mention the far side of unifying the Francophonie of the Americas, the separate side - both historical and cultural - of each of its constituent nations.)
The findings of the Bouchard-Taylor could, ironically, help us break the deadlock, provided that Ms. Marois do the necessary analysis and present a project that takes full advantage of the slingshot effect . Indeed, the Commission's report addresses the Quebec identity through the distorting mirror of multiculturalism in the Canadian way, an ideology which consciously ignoring the existence of national identities, to focus strictly on (1) civic identities and (2) individual identities.
This is curiously inconsistent with any recognition by the federal government of a "Quebec nation "!
The nations that a country can take refuge behind the concept of civic citizenship to avoid addressing the fundamental issues of identity, common values, tolerance. Quebecers are forced to cope, without recourse to circular reasoning that the "citizenship-nationality" offers an answer (for example: "Are all French nationals holders of French citizenship," "Are all Canadian nationality holders of Canadian citizenship, "etc.).
NO national or cultural identity could resist Grid analysis of multiculturalism, which serves to deconstruct the nation state to replace it, without one can lead to another or can be used to explain (ie, the state exists and state, the nation is by and for the state, the nation without a state does not exist).
Basically, the concept of collective identity does not exist anymore and is instead replaced (within a set state) by a territory inhabited by people, except perhaps in the case of a constitution that would guarantee at least that identity is mentioned . It is clear that the only way out is in identity constitutional and / or the creation of a state, then that would legitimize a nation that NOTHING ELSE, the ideology in vogue, can not tolerate.
Yes and no. Commissioners Bouchard and Taylor have mentioned several times that a society of law must avoid at all costs to the tyranny of the majority. However, we are a majority with very little power when compared to other cultural majorities in the world. We are in a somewhat absurd (a majority-minority with political power framed by other powers policies often contradictory).
Montreal Anglophones are a minority for their very relative, since they can count on the rest of North America to ensure their cultural exchanges, and their media outreach. They are part of an absolute majority in Canada. Their position of "minority within a minority within a majority," which is often mentioned, should not obscure their inclusion very real in most English-speaking North American culture. In other words, the fact that Montreal Anglophones are part of Quebec society and be "submitted" to the power of language laws, and the French cultural pressure, do not isolate any of the huge cultural complex English. After all, Ontario is only a few tens of kilometers from the West Island and it is easy to rub off the tongue more easily in one direction than another. Worries one in Ontario to see the French move to Cornwall triumphantly, like a steamroller, assimilating everything in its path?
Perhaps we should reflect on the trend, which is materialized in recent events as the Bouchard-Taylor, demand for French Quebec a majority responsibility when they have neither the powers associated with a status of majority (legal and constitutional power) nor the means to act majority (because they are in fact a national minority within Canada). It is customary to say that with freedoms come responsibilities. Okay! The reverse is also true. Demand the freedoms that come with these serious responsibilities we have just been imposed. We were asked to accept immigrants to integrate into our society, to align our services with the reality on the ground to enforce the secularization broad spectrum? To get there, we need more legal powers and constitutional . It is our responsibility ... to get them!
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