65th Madness: The River of Eternity, Volume 1: The 64th World River
All the dead are resurrected from the earth!
They wake up today at the edge of a river known - not least on a planet unknown. Died in childhood or very old, obscure or famous, they all now twenty-five years. The golden age ... and after all the good life since, along the river, "stations" offer them food, tobacco, alcohol, etc..
A happiness that does not prevent some from asking questions.
Bouh how poor summary ... Said like that, it is not too keen, and more things are not quite true, there are still children by example, and it is not really the age that the resurrected ... While young, but without precise age ...
I read this book there are over ten years, and I really enjoyed, and for some time, I really want to read it again.
First, it is almost as I remembered. The story is really original, it starts with the awakening of everyone along the river, and the first reaction of each variety.
Immediately, we look to that to be the protagonist of the story: Richard Francis Burton. The famous military officer, fencer explorer, writer and poet, translator, linguist, orientalist, Sufi master, ethnologist, diplomat. For those not familiar with Burton (which as you can imagine the numerous jobs he held, had a rich life): Wiki.
We will follow Burton, who will meet many people, more or less famous, such as Alice who served as the inspiration for "Alice in Wonderland", or one of the first Roman emperors, and others. ..
Burton is the epitome of adventurous as one might imagine, strong, intelligent, charismatic with an aura ... It does not take long to unite a small group around him and they decide to go up the river, going to its source, to try to find something that would help them understand what they're doing ...
But Burton is also a macho, that even if he likes women, still tend to regard them as inferior, and at times it's a bit annoying it must be acknowledged.
I especially hope that this is the character who wants it and not the author's style, but I seem to recall that in the second volume, the main character changes, so we'll see if that machismo is preserved or not.
Anyway, it's a really good book, which after all was not so old, and we always take great pleasure to read, and we did not really want to let go when it started ...
Monday, October 25, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Buy Desert Gold Desert Eagle In Canada
Madness: Tales and Legends unfinished, Volume 2: The Second Age
I am not abstract, this is exactly the same as for the 1st, chronicled here .
Once again we are plunged into the fantastic world of Tolkien. It starts directly with a story describing the geography of Númenor and was then more interested in stories various characters of Númenor and then the story of Galadriel.
As usual everything is extremely interesting, and incredibly rich. Tolkien had thought of everything, he even thought about the origin of the names of his characters, their past, the past of his universe, the story of characters who would probably never be developed and stories. For example, he invented the whole chronology and genealogy of the kings of Númenor, he even invented the laws and customs that govern the kingdom.
History of Galadriel is very interesting as we see the character's past, it allows to better understand the relation to its brief appearance in The Lord of the Rings. No
stories (except the first on the geography of Númenor) is completed, but it has many notes by Christopher Tolkien, who puts the pieces of writings quee his father had envisaged as a result. Sometimes there are two or three different versions. Sometimes Christopher Tolkien also explains that his father had undertaken to modify certain stories. The History of Galadriel example would probably have been quite different if Tolkien had been completed, and it would have caused some major changes in other stories, like The Silmarillion for example.
It is truly aware by reading the pieces that put Christopher Tolkien and reading the notes he made that his father was in fact an eternal unsatisfied. It is likely that most of what was published after his death, would in any case never even been finished had he lived longer.
This probably means that today's universe is so unique and it remains for most people the standard for fantasy. Because the universe is coherent, structured, and has a history that is not artificial, a history in which we believe without asking questions, so that seems obvious. Besides Christopher Tolkien takes several pieces of both letters or notes that his father wrote. And as he speaks, he gives the impression of speaking of something past, which lacks the elements today, or stories with multiple sources that explain the different versions.
All this is, again, is an outstanding book that devours itself extremely quickly.
I am not abstract, this is exactly the same as for the 1st, chronicled here .
Once again we are plunged into the fantastic world of Tolkien. It starts directly with a story describing the geography of Númenor and was then more interested in stories various characters of Númenor and then the story of Galadriel.
As usual everything is extremely interesting, and incredibly rich. Tolkien had thought of everything, he even thought about the origin of the names of his characters, their past, the past of his universe, the story of characters who would probably never be developed and stories. For example, he invented the whole chronology and genealogy of the kings of Númenor, he even invented the laws and customs that govern the kingdom.
History of Galadriel is very interesting as we see the character's past, it allows to better understand the relation to its brief appearance in The Lord of the Rings. No
stories (except the first on the geography of Númenor) is completed, but it has many notes by Christopher Tolkien, who puts the pieces of writings quee his father had envisaged as a result. Sometimes there are two or three different versions. Sometimes Christopher Tolkien also explains that his father had undertaken to modify certain stories. The History of Galadriel example would probably have been quite different if Tolkien had been completed, and it would have caused some major changes in other stories, like The Silmarillion for example.
It is truly aware by reading the pieces that put Christopher Tolkien and reading the notes he made that his father was in fact an eternal unsatisfied. It is likely that most of what was published after his death, would in any case never even been finished had he lived longer.
This probably means that today's universe is so unique and it remains for most people the standard for fantasy. Because the universe is coherent, structured, and has a history that is not artificial, a history in which we believe without asking questions, so that seems obvious. Besides Christopher Tolkien takes several pieces of both letters or notes that his father wrote. And as he speaks, he gives the impression of speaking of something past, which lacks the elements today, or stories with multiple sources that explain the different versions.
All this is, again, is an outstanding book that devours itself extremely quickly.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Adjust Projector Settings
63rd Madness: The Psalms of Isaak, Volume 1: Lamentation
City of windws has been destroyed, and with it the Great Library where lay the world's memory. The shock of the disaster broke the balance of political and religious land called, stirs up envy, revived the conspiracy, undermines alliances. War is inevitable. Rudolfo
Gypsy King, Lord of the Nine Houses Woodland, was the first on the scene and collected in the ruins of an automatic metal. Shaken with sobs and plagued by guilt, it accuses of being behind the tragedy. What is its terrifying secret? Was it manipulated? Who wanted the destruction of windws and why? But now
Neb., a young orphan monk who witnessed the horror begins to prophetic dreams ...
First Editions Bragelonne thank you for allowing me to discover this beautiful book. As usual it is a book that is beautiful in addition to being interesting. With
Lamentation, we have in our hands the first volume of a saga set to take place over five pounds. A saga so ambitious, and will have the merit of being original by offering us something else a trilogy.
The story is really found, the destruction of the city of all knowledge and quest for the truth about who is responsible and why they may have wanted to destroy it is very well done.
In this world there is no strange creatures, not magic, or almost none. The only magic that we see at work is behind the destruction of windws and "Magyk" for the scouts of the various camps become somewhat invisible.
This world is interesting and intriguing, because we very often refer to the "Desert Bubbly" was the ancient lands of different Peoples Lands Named destroyed following a magical cataclysm caused by the former "great" bad guy. And as we're talking about, it seems that land possessed very advanced technology, even "futuristic", and what are its technology as their descendants are seeking to recover by meticulous excavations near the Desert, and are then stored and distributed in a very cautious to prevent a catastrophe from happening again.
So the point early in the book, then the city is destroyed, with all the knowledge she was home. We will then follow different characters all involved directly or indirectly in this event. There
course Sethbert, the character you hate right now, we are told clearly from the outset, he is the villain, plus he spends his time to boast. Rudolfo
There is sort of the heroes of history, who immediately decided to rebuild on their land, where the Library had gathered all this knowledge. It was also
Jin Li Tam, which is a complex character, a woman who subtly maneuver to follow the plans of his father. A strong and beautiful woman, far from defenseless woman.
There are still several other characters very important, but I'm not going to detail here.
This story is very well built and thought, because of the destruction of this city than you might think have been caused by a madman, we see as and when reading, the situation is much more complex than it first appears. So some things we took for granted, take one shot another look in light of a different explanation.
This book reminds me strangely Dune for the history of the father of Li Jin Tam, and his past. I do not want to say too much not to reveal pieces of history, but those who read Dune may find some resemblance to the Bene Gesserit. But this is not a defect nearby, saw it rather well, because in this context, it is rather surprising.
This book may surprise some fans of the fantasy "combat" shall we say, because in this particular book, even if there are few, this is not what is most important, c ' is more character development and understanding of everything that revolves around the destruction of windws.
In the end, so it's a very good book which has been eager to know the result, even if it could almost stand on its own. I think it was no big frustration in the end, because it's really an end, not a break in the middle of something.
City of windws has been destroyed, and with it the Great Library where lay the world's memory. The shock of the disaster broke the balance of political and religious land called, stirs up envy, revived the conspiracy, undermines alliances. War is inevitable. Rudolfo
Gypsy King, Lord of the Nine Houses Woodland, was the first on the scene and collected in the ruins of an automatic metal. Shaken with sobs and plagued by guilt, it accuses of being behind the tragedy. What is its terrifying secret? Was it manipulated? Who wanted the destruction of windws and why? But now
Neb., a young orphan monk who witnessed the horror begins to prophetic dreams ...
This book was read as part of a partnership between:
First Editions Bragelonne thank you for allowing me to discover this beautiful book. As usual it is a book that is beautiful in addition to being interesting. With
Lamentation, we have in our hands the first volume of a saga set to take place over five pounds. A saga so ambitious, and will have the merit of being original by offering us something else a trilogy.
The story is really found, the destruction of the city of all knowledge and quest for the truth about who is responsible and why they may have wanted to destroy it is very well done.
In this world there is no strange creatures, not magic, or almost none. The only magic that we see at work is behind the destruction of windws and "Magyk" for the scouts of the various camps become somewhat invisible.
This world is interesting and intriguing, because we very often refer to the "Desert Bubbly" was the ancient lands of different Peoples Lands Named destroyed following a magical cataclysm caused by the former "great" bad guy. And as we're talking about, it seems that land possessed very advanced technology, even "futuristic", and what are its technology as their descendants are seeking to recover by meticulous excavations near the Desert, and are then stored and distributed in a very cautious to prevent a catastrophe from happening again.
So the point early in the book, then the city is destroyed, with all the knowledge she was home. We will then follow different characters all involved directly or indirectly in this event. There
course Sethbert, the character you hate right now, we are told clearly from the outset, he is the villain, plus he spends his time to boast. Rudolfo
There is sort of the heroes of history, who immediately decided to rebuild on their land, where the Library had gathered all this knowledge. It was also
Jin Li Tam, which is a complex character, a woman who subtly maneuver to follow the plans of his father. A strong and beautiful woman, far from defenseless woman.
There are still several other characters very important, but I'm not going to detail here.
This story is very well built and thought, because of the destruction of this city than you might think have been caused by a madman, we see as and when reading, the situation is much more complex than it first appears. So some things we took for granted, take one shot another look in light of a different explanation.
This book reminds me strangely Dune for the history of the father of Li Jin Tam, and his past. I do not want to say too much not to reveal pieces of history, but those who read Dune may find some resemblance to the Bene Gesserit. But this is not a defect nearby, saw it rather well, because in this context, it is rather surprising.
This book may surprise some fans of the fantasy "combat" shall we say, because in this particular book, even if there are few, this is not what is most important, c ' is more character development and understanding of everything that revolves around the destruction of windws.
In the end, so it's a very good book which has been eager to know the result, even if it could almost stand on its own. I think it was no big frustration in the end, because it's really an end, not a break in the middle of something.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Panty Peeking Through Jeans
62nd Madness: Madness 61st
Here is the first issue of a new and, as often in a crossover , ephemeral magazine featuring the Marvel characters. Here starts
therefore the crossover Siege. Why Siege? Because Norman Osborn, which (as you know if you followed the Marvel magazines in recent months) is the "protector of America" in the guise of Iron Patriot, has decided to launch the assault Asgard against which (as you also know: P) lies above Broxton, Oklahoma. Indeed, it decided that the arrival of Asgard on Earth and its "installation" above Broxton (which absolutely does not bother anyone there) was an invasion. So he launched his "Avengers" against the walls of Asgard, following a simulated disaster would have caused an Asgardian, and in fact orchestrated by himself.
The second part, as often in recent years in the special numbers of crossovers, we forwarded the reporter Ben Urich, a reporter at the Front Line, an independent newspaper that does not mince his words against Osborn. Party Chicago to cover the famous disaster "caused" by Volstagg one of the "Three Warriors" friends of Thor. It will then fall on the said Volstagg and take the opportunity to seek the truth behind these events.
The story is nice, you never get bored while reading it, unlike the last crossover "Secret Invasion" where we still had a little feeling of being cheated ... The design of Olivier Coipel for all the first part is as always superb. Cartoon by Chris Samnee second part is not bad too, but in a quite different kind. That
, so if you're a fan of Marvel series and you've followed a bit in recent months, please, Siege worth buying, in addition there will be four issues normally.
Headquarters, No. = 1
Brian Michael Bendis and Olivier Coipel
Brian Michael Bendis and Olivier Coipel
Here is the first issue of a new and, as often in a crossover , ephemeral magazine featuring the Marvel characters. Here starts
therefore the crossover Siege. Why Siege? Because Norman Osborn, which (as you know if you followed the Marvel magazines in recent months) is the "protector of America" in the guise of Iron Patriot, has decided to launch the assault Asgard against which (as you also know: P) lies above Broxton, Oklahoma. Indeed, it decided that the arrival of Asgard on Earth and its "installation" above Broxton (which absolutely does not bother anyone there) was an invasion. So he launched his "Avengers" against the walls of Asgard, following a simulated disaster would have caused an Asgardian, and in fact orchestrated by himself.
The second part, as often in recent years in the special numbers of crossovers, we forwarded the reporter Ben Urich, a reporter at the Front Line, an independent newspaper that does not mince his words against Osborn. Party Chicago to cover the famous disaster "caused" by Volstagg one of the "Three Warriors" friends of Thor. It will then fall on the said Volstagg and take the opportunity to seek the truth behind these events.
The story is nice, you never get bored while reading it, unlike the last crossover "Secret Invasion" where we still had a little feeling of being cheated ... The design of Olivier Coipel for all the first part is as always superb. Cartoon by Chris Samnee second part is not bad too, but in a quite different kind. That
, so if you're a fan of Marvel series and you've followed a bit in recent months, please, Siege worth buying, in addition there will be four issues normally.

Friday, October 8, 2010
Black Hair Blue Eyes Male
Siege: Kookaburra Universe, Volume 12: The Honor of the 60th sniper
is the story of a legendary name in the entire universe, that of Preko ...
The story of his origin, his death and rebirth.
The story of a dark past who eats and eats, in which one tries to escape and eventually you face in the hope of liberation.
The story of a future course by a terrible legacy never claimed. It is a story of men and friendship, but above all a story of honor ...
Honor the sniper!
Here is Volume 12 of this friendly series taking place in the universe Series Kookaburra. As a reminder, we follow each volume a new team of writers and artists, focusing on a very special piece of this gigantic universe created by Criss.
In this 12th volume, we find the creative team of the first volume, it is a question of fact in its direct sequel. So, even if it can be read in a totally Independent (which I did), it is still better read the following two or reread volume 1 forward.
Here we focus on the formation of space sniper Dragan Preko. And in parallel we learn the story of the "real" Preko, Mitchell Preko. And we learn that he too was not his real name.
The story is a bit confusing, it is unclear how the final position of the instructor Dragan ... Throughout the comic, it seems to be the bad guy to shoot a turnaround but the final fact that I was a little lost. I do not know if do not have in mind the first BD played or not ...
Otherwise the story is good, you learn a lot about the Preko spent, and it complicates the story a little more about Dragan. The drawings are still as good as always in this series, regardless of the designer who takes over ... Finally
for fans of the series and Kookaburra Kookaburra Universe, throw you on it without fear is a comic quality. But remember you can re-read the first volume of Kookaburra Universe before.
is the story of a legendary name in the entire universe, that of Preko ...
The story of his origin, his death and rebirth.
The story of a dark past who eats and eats, in which one tries to escape and eventually you face in the hope of liberation.
The story of a future course by a terrible legacy never claimed. It is a story of men and friendship, but above all a story of honor ...
Honor the sniper!
Here is Volume 12 of this friendly series taking place in the universe Series Kookaburra. As a reminder, we follow each volume a new team of writers and artists, focusing on a very special piece of this gigantic universe created by Criss.
In this 12th volume, we find the creative team of the first volume, it is a question of fact in its direct sequel. So, even if it can be read in a totally Independent (which I did), it is still better read the following two or reread volume 1 forward.
Here we focus on the formation of space sniper Dragan Preko. And in parallel we learn the story of the "real" Preko, Mitchell Preko. And we learn that he too was not his real name.
The story is a bit confusing, it is unclear how the final position of the instructor Dragan ... Throughout the comic, it seems to be the bad guy to shoot a turnaround but the final fact that I was a little lost. I do not know if do not have in mind the first BD played or not ...
Otherwise the story is good, you learn a lot about the Preko spent, and it complicates the story a little more about Dragan. The drawings are still as good as always in this series, regardless of the designer who takes over ... Finally
for fans of the series and Kookaburra Kookaburra Universe, throw you on it without fear is a comic quality. But remember you can re-read the first volume of Kookaburra Universe before.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Southpark Online Quicktime
Madness: Spin
One October night, Tyler Dupree, twelve, and his two best friends, Jason and Diane Lawton, fourteen years, attending the sudden disappearance of stars. Soon, humanity discovers that the Earth is surrounded by a fence outside the time which elapses millions of times faster. The moon has disappeared, the Sun is a sham, artificial satellites have fallen back to earth. But the most serious is that the rate at which older now the real sun, mankind has only a few decades to live ...
Who has imprisoned behind the Earth Shield in October? And if it is extraterrestrial, why have they done so ?
Read in the context of SC scheduled for October 5.
was the third novel by the author after I read The Chronolites and Darwinia, I already liked the first and loved the second and the third book confirms the talent of Robert Charles Wilson. It's a great writer of science fiction, no doubt that in years to come it will be considered an author "classic".
His science-fiction is not flashy with rifle battles in space, or ultra-science is above all a human SF. Even if technology plays an important role in this book, one quickly realizes it is there primarily for highlighting the characters, she is not the star.
Wilson talking about an Earth that would be suddenly cut off from the rest of the universe by a sort of permeable membrane which would nevertheless respect a temporal effect. Outside this membrane time goes hundreds of times faster. This is apparent when, attempting to launch satellites to understand what happens they fall almost immediately, and yet contain hours and hours of data. It follows therefore
decades the lives of Tyler, Jason and Diane. You see them change, we see them make choices that bring them closer, choices that distance, choices that make them grow and change. We see how each reacts differently to things. Tyler does not really seem to ask questions, he takes things as they are, Diane turned to spirituality, and Jason, gifted curious and eager to know that he is trying to understand the mystery of Spin and This membrane will be named soon.
But obviously, it does not follow that the lives of these three main characters. It also follows them through some other characters, like the parents of Jason and Diane, or mother of Tyler, and their quite different ways and respond well to them. Through
Jason is also following the meager understanding is that as and when the spin, its consequences, its possible causes, its possible reasons. Understanding the reasons for the Spin is rather well fed, it does not intervene in a brutal way to the end of the story, no she is fed gradually and is very original and surprising. I do not think anyone expected such an explanation and for such a purpose.
The construction of the story is original, perhaps a little unsettling at first, but we made it very quickly. Indeed, the author alternates between a chapter in which Tyler tells her this, and several chapters are somewhat flashbacks of his past life, flashbacks that gradually lead to the time of his present.
Ultimately, it is a really good novel, very well written, very engaging, very readable I found. A sequence exists, I would read it for sure, but still is it that this book stands on its own. When we finished, we do not necessarily need a sequel.
notices: Miss Spooky Muffin , Lelf , Julien wrecked , Spocky
One October night, Tyler Dupree, twelve, and his two best friends, Jason and Diane Lawton, fourteen years, attending the sudden disappearance of stars. Soon, humanity discovers that the Earth is surrounded by a fence outside the time which elapses millions of times faster. The moon has disappeared, the Sun is a sham, artificial satellites have fallen back to earth. But the most serious is that the rate at which older now the real sun, mankind has only a few decades to live ...
Who has imprisoned behind the Earth Shield in October? And if it is extraterrestrial, why have they done so ?
Read in the context of SC scheduled for October 5.
was the third novel by the author after I read The Chronolites and Darwinia, I already liked the first and loved the second and the third book confirms the talent of Robert Charles Wilson. It's a great writer of science fiction, no doubt that in years to come it will be considered an author "classic".
His science-fiction is not flashy with rifle battles in space, or ultra-science is above all a human SF. Even if technology plays an important role in this book, one quickly realizes it is there primarily for highlighting the characters, she is not the star.
Wilson talking about an Earth that would be suddenly cut off from the rest of the universe by a sort of permeable membrane which would nevertheless respect a temporal effect. Outside this membrane time goes hundreds of times faster. This is apparent when, attempting to launch satellites to understand what happens they fall almost immediately, and yet contain hours and hours of data. It follows therefore
decades the lives of Tyler, Jason and Diane. You see them change, we see them make choices that bring them closer, choices that distance, choices that make them grow and change. We see how each reacts differently to things. Tyler does not really seem to ask questions, he takes things as they are, Diane turned to spirituality, and Jason, gifted curious and eager to know that he is trying to understand the mystery of Spin and This membrane will be named soon.
But obviously, it does not follow that the lives of these three main characters. It also follows them through some other characters, like the parents of Jason and Diane, or mother of Tyler, and their quite different ways and respond well to them. Through
Jason is also following the meager understanding is that as and when the spin, its consequences, its possible causes, its possible reasons. Understanding the reasons for the Spin is rather well fed, it does not intervene in a brutal way to the end of the story, no she is fed gradually and is very original and surprising. I do not think anyone expected such an explanation and for such a purpose.
The construction of the story is original, perhaps a little unsettling at first, but we made it very quickly. Indeed, the author alternates between a chapter in which Tyler tells her this, and several chapters are somewhat flashbacks of his past life, flashbacks that gradually lead to the time of his present.
Ultimately, it is a really good novel, very well written, very engaging, very readable I found. A sequence exists, I would read it for sure, but still is it that this book stands on its own. When we finished, we do not necessarily need a sequel.
notices: Miss Spooky Muffin , Lelf , Julien wrecked , Spocky
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