Headquarters, No. = 1
Brian Michael Bendis and Olivier Coipel
Brian Michael Bendis and Olivier Coipel
Here is the first issue of a new and, as often in a crossover , ephemeral magazine featuring the Marvel characters. Here starts
therefore the crossover Siege. Why Siege? Because Norman Osborn, which (as you know if you followed the Marvel magazines in recent months) is the "protector of America" in the guise of Iron Patriot, has decided to launch the assault Asgard against which (as you also know: P) lies above Broxton, Oklahoma. Indeed, it decided that the arrival of Asgard on Earth and its "installation" above Broxton (which absolutely does not bother anyone there) was an invasion. So he launched his "Avengers" against the walls of Asgard, following a simulated disaster would have caused an Asgardian, and in fact orchestrated by himself.
The second part, as often in recent years in the special numbers of crossovers, we forwarded the reporter Ben Urich, a reporter at the Front Line, an independent newspaper that does not mince his words against Osborn. Party Chicago to cover the famous disaster "caused" by Volstagg one of the "Three Warriors" friends of Thor. It will then fall on the said Volstagg and take the opportunity to seek the truth behind these events.
The story is nice, you never get bored while reading it, unlike the last crossover "Secret Invasion" where we still had a little feeling of being cheated ... The design of Olivier Coipel for all the first part is as always superb. Cartoon by Chris Samnee second part is not bad too, but in a quite different kind. That
, so if you're a fan of Marvel series and you've followed a bit in recent months, please, Siege worth buying, in addition there will be four issues normally.

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