70th Madness: The CV of God
The sky was over, the earth was finished, the animals were finished, the man was over. God thought it was over too, and sank into a deep melancholy. he did not know what to wear. He made some pottery, kneads a ball of earth, but the heart was gone. He had more confidence in him, he had lost faith. God no longer believed in God. He needed emergency activity, new projects, large construction sites. He decided to seek work, and, like everyone else, he wrote his curriculum vitae ...
few days ago I received this very funny little book sent by God itself she had even autographed! It was a big surprise because I was not expecting it.
So I read a few pages on receipt, and it looks very promising. Then I put it aside with a book already under way to resume this morning finally. So it's really a little book which reads very quickly, which read 137 pages in three-quarters of an hour, an hour ... I must say that it's written quite large, with parts rather short, making an entire page for a sentence as part of blank pages to separate sections ...
This book is actually a series of interviews between God and a Director of Personnel carefully studying the CV of the Almighty, and returns on certain items. This gives rise to trade rather comical and flavorful, especially course God's answers to questions we asked. Some parts starting with copies of psychological tests and other matters which were passed to God, or a summary of his schedule for the day, there is even a reproduction of several letters exchanged between God and "His Holiness" These letters are strong and tasty it is personally my favorite part (especially the end of this part) even if the whole book is very well written and filled with a slightly caustic humor to God of course, but also to the humans who take for their degree as well.
Ultimately I did not see the time spent reading this small book, it is perhaps even a bit of a shame it was not a bit longer. I also feel that this book could be broken (or might be) in other forms, drama, series of skits, Comics, Cartoon ... I really liked, and I doubly thank God (the one who sent me the book, and that the said book) for making me spend a good time with a book that I would certainly not yet purchased myself.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
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69th Madness: The Hobbit 68th
Bilbo, like all hobbits, is a tranquil little being n not like being disturbed when he is at the table. But one day his peace is disturbed by the arrival of a wizard named Gandalf and thirteen dwarves beards who have one thing in mind: to recover the treasure of their ancestors, stolen by the dragon Smaug in the Lonely Mountain . Following a misunderstanding, Bilbo finds himself driven in this perilous expedition.
Bilbo is a story that JRR Tolkien had written for his children and he did not really publish one day. And then the script began circulating among his friends and eventually landed an editor who asked to be able to finish the print. And it gave The Hobbit.
The story begins with the encounter between Bilbo and Gandalf, a meeting which happens also not very good. Following this, Bilbo is embarked on a perilous quest for treasure in the company of thirteen dwarves.
He finds herself having to go retrieve the treasure of the dwarves, who is in custody a gigantic dragon terrifying it all the fault of Gandalf who was posing as a burglar talent with them.
Bilbo will be more or less forced to go on an adventure in the company of dwarfs. The path to the place where the treasure is long and perilous course and strewn with obstacles. At the beginning of the story Bilbo is clearly lagging behind, thinking only one thing to the comfort of his hole under the hill, constantly complaining, it is even on the edge of being a dead weight for dwarfs, but gradually as the story progresses and certain events occur, Bilbo shown courage and boldness, and gradually it even as it dwarfs account for their decisions. It is also that when the situation threatens to turn into tragedy because of the stubbornness of dwarves Leader has a brilliant idea for the settlement of the situation, although ultimately other events will not have its scope it could have.
Bilbo is a very endearing character, he is the epitome of the anti-hero who is thrown into an adventure against his will and who would give anything to escape it. It is funny to see change as you go. One point that bothered me, but that is not specially important is that we we repeatedly described as Bilbo smaller than dwarfs, but for my part I had trouble me to represent it as such ...
In the end, Bilbo is a sympathetic book is oriented to young teens who leave but read smoothly by an older audience.
Bilbo, like all hobbits, is a tranquil little being n not like being disturbed when he is at the table. But one day his peace is disturbed by the arrival of a wizard named Gandalf and thirteen dwarves beards who have one thing in mind: to recover the treasure of their ancestors, stolen by the dragon Smaug in the Lonely Mountain . Following a misunderstanding, Bilbo finds himself driven in this perilous expedition.
Bilbo is a story that JRR Tolkien had written for his children and he did not really publish one day. And then the script began circulating among his friends and eventually landed an editor who asked to be able to finish the print. And it gave The Hobbit.
The story begins with the encounter between Bilbo and Gandalf, a meeting which happens also not very good. Following this, Bilbo is embarked on a perilous quest for treasure in the company of thirteen dwarves.
He finds herself having to go retrieve the treasure of the dwarves, who is in custody a gigantic dragon terrifying it all the fault of Gandalf who was posing as a burglar talent with them.
Bilbo will be more or less forced to go on an adventure in the company of dwarfs. The path to the place where the treasure is long and perilous course and strewn with obstacles. At the beginning of the story Bilbo is clearly lagging behind, thinking only one thing to the comfort of his hole under the hill, constantly complaining, it is even on the edge of being a dead weight for dwarfs, but gradually as the story progresses and certain events occur, Bilbo shown courage and boldness, and gradually it even as it dwarfs account for their decisions. It is also that when the situation threatens to turn into tragedy because of the stubbornness of dwarves Leader has a brilliant idea for the settlement of the situation, although ultimately other events will not have its scope it could have.
Bilbo is a very endearing character, he is the epitome of the anti-hero who is thrown into an adventure against his will and who would give anything to escape it. It is funny to see change as you go. One point that bothered me, but that is not specially important is that we we repeatedly described as Bilbo smaller than dwarfs, but for my part I had trouble me to represent it as such ...
In the end, Bilbo is a sympathetic book is oriented to young teens who leave but read smoothly by an older audience.
Friday, November 12, 2010
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Madness: Diary of a bipolar 67th
Diary of a bipolar is the autobiographical story upsetting to a young woman plagued by a fluctuation abnormal mood disorders.
If bipolar disorder is a psychiatric disorder is well known, few witnesses who are just in its appearance and its impact on daily life.
This book is beautiful, simple and strong. This book really touched me. He also raised a concern when I got it done. Namely, how I could talk about it. Is it simply that I had to speak only of the book, stay basic as I usually ...
In fact, this book touched me especially because I am also bipolar. So there are many situations in which I saw Camille found myself ...
While accurate, although the young author is Emilie Guillon, and it is indeed an autobiography, the main character called Camille. It does not explain why, but we can reasonably assume that it is to allow Emilie Guillon take some distance with the story.
What is interesting is that the story of Camille, is interspersed with moments in the "present" moments when she discusses with her father to explain things, which are times when she wants to stop " because it serves no purpose "and that two days later she is seen to phone his father to apologize.
These cuts in the story shows that even now not everything is set for Camille, there are still some extreme moments. Otherwise
history of Camille is very well told, very touching, and I think she can help raise awareness to someone who is not familiar or not this disease, difficulties in live with, especially the enormous difficulties in finding a doctor who can finally put a correct diagnosis. Camille for example, will almost 4 years to finally tell her doctor that she is bipolar.
The story is simple, fair, it does not fall into the sordid and the pathos. It feels good Emilie Guillon has not made this one for the comics complain, or complain. She just wanted to let his testimony on something that remains too little known, so that this disease affects at least 6% of the general population.
The design is very well found, not a black design that would have increased the overloaded story, which might have given a pathetic dimension. Instead, we have a clear picture, that just completely black and white, which enhances the story. Some may find too stylized, not realistic enough, but it seems to me that style would have further served the purpose. Unlike a traditional comics, drawing seemed a little secondary to the text where it usually would almost tell the story. Not that it is not important, but more attention is paid to the text and that explains Camille, it is no longer there to support the text than the reverse. And we must congratulate the designer Sébastien Samson which was apparently the first BD to have been able to image both the difficult story of Emilia / Camille.
I do not know how someone will receive the external testimony, but I must say that for me it was sometimes difficult, (not because it was bad, but because it touched me too) and I had to cut my reading of this album in pieces over several days.
I certainly hope, as Dr. Gay signing the afterword that this book will help people facing the disease to recognize or to people face to people in these situations to finally understand them better, and realize they do not pretend that this is not something that can be removed overnight. And it should also be read by doctors who too often confuse bipolarity and depression and stuff sick of antidepressants which often leads to dramatic situations.
Ultimately, it is obviously a blow of heart for me, and I hope he can be for many readers.
Diary of a bipolar is the autobiographical story upsetting to a young woman plagued by a fluctuation abnormal mood disorders.
If bipolar disorder is a psychiatric disorder is well known, few witnesses who are just in its appearance and its impact on daily life.
This book is beautiful, simple and strong. This book really touched me. He also raised a concern when I got it done. Namely, how I could talk about it. Is it simply that I had to speak only of the book, stay basic as I usually ...
In fact, this book touched me especially because I am also bipolar. So there are many situations in which I saw Camille found myself ...
While accurate, although the young author is Emilie Guillon, and it is indeed an autobiography, the main character called Camille. It does not explain why, but we can reasonably assume that it is to allow Emilie Guillon take some distance with the story.
What is interesting is that the story of Camille, is interspersed with moments in the "present" moments when she discusses with her father to explain things, which are times when she wants to stop " because it serves no purpose "and that two days later she is seen to phone his father to apologize.
These cuts in the story shows that even now not everything is set for Camille, there are still some extreme moments. Otherwise
history of Camille is very well told, very touching, and I think she can help raise awareness to someone who is not familiar or not this disease, difficulties in live with, especially the enormous difficulties in finding a doctor who can finally put a correct diagnosis. Camille for example, will almost 4 years to finally tell her doctor that she is bipolar.
The story is simple, fair, it does not fall into the sordid and the pathos. It feels good Emilie Guillon has not made this one for the comics complain, or complain. She just wanted to let his testimony on something that remains too little known, so that this disease affects at least 6% of the general population.
The design is very well found, not a black design that would have increased the overloaded story, which might have given a pathetic dimension. Instead, we have a clear picture, that just completely black and white, which enhances the story. Some may find too stylized, not realistic enough, but it seems to me that style would have further served the purpose. Unlike a traditional comics, drawing seemed a little secondary to the text where it usually would almost tell the story. Not that it is not important, but more attention is paid to the text and that explains Camille, it is no longer there to support the text than the reverse. And we must congratulate the designer Sébastien Samson which was apparently the first BD to have been able to image both the difficult story of Emilia / Camille.
I do not know how someone will receive the external testimony, but I must say that for me it was sometimes difficult, (not because it was bad, but because it touched me too) and I had to cut my reading of this album in pieces over several days.
I certainly hope, as Dr. Gay signing the afterword that this book will help people facing the disease to recognize or to people face to people in these situations to finally understand them better, and realize they do not pretend that this is not something that can be removed overnight. And it should also be read by doctors who too often confuse bipolarity and depression and stuff sick of antidepressants which often leads to dramatic situations.
Ultimately, it is obviously a blow of heart for me, and I hope he can be for many readers.

Saturday, November 6, 2010
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Madness: The Big Empty Too Alphonse Stool
Once upon a time, Alphonse Stool. He was born in a forest, Sir, that was a bit busy with him, but not for long. One day the gentleman is angry, for a trifle nothing at all, leaving Alfonso himself. This is where his journey begins. Throughout the meetings, he discovers people, creatures, gadgets, which do grow a bit and make it nice and adventures without really wanting too. The TGV Alphonse stool, it's a walk a little naive and tender, sometimes funny stuff.
Talking Alphonse Stool ... It's so magical and special that it is not easy to find the words to speak, to make people want to read it. Yet it must be read, once you have it in their hands, it was very difficult to let go, you say "ho I'll just read this page" and before that realizing it was up 10 pages! The TGV
Alphonse stool is commonly abbreviated as a comic. But not a comic classic, do not expect to find bubbles and boxes defining each drawing. Not the transcribed words of pesonnages are bottom of the page with a picture in front of their faces expressing emotion. Say it as it may seem strange, but in fact it works very well, and we do not pay attention.
At first saw the drawing might pass for summary and basic, but it must linger to understand that it is much more work than it seems, and that this impression of simplicity is there to serve the story .
It therefore follows the life of a character who will be called Alphonse Stool. In fact, the subject is somehow the quest for friendship and the discovery of the world by this little character through encounters unusual and touching moments of melancholy, yet it is never as dramatic. From the moment you open the book, was smiling all the time. Not that this is funny, even if it happens, it's more that it's cute, pretty, beautiful even ... The style of the sentences is also very apt indeed. They are simple and very eloquent, very graphic. It's hard to explain with words they must see to understand.
In any case these images "simple" with the text "simple" (even if these are only impressions and behind that lies a greater depth) that adheres well to make this comic so special. BD which will appeal to both large and small, and it is also difficult to tell if it was designed for a specific audience or whether it was designed to please the greatest number, regardless of age.
In the end, we are here facing a real gem, we will not tire of reading and rereading, as it gives a smile every time. Anyway for me it's a real blow of heart!
Also see: Lyra Sollyne and who also speak, and which have pictures, I'm a big lazy who do not wear it: P Also check in
Lelf who spoke about the first during one of his articles on his visit to the Quai des Bulles.
Once upon a time, Alphonse Stool. He was born in a forest, Sir, that was a bit busy with him, but not for long. One day the gentleman is angry, for a trifle nothing at all, leaving Alfonso himself. This is where his journey begins. Throughout the meetings, he discovers people, creatures, gadgets, which do grow a bit and make it nice and adventures without really wanting too. The TGV Alphonse stool, it's a walk a little naive and tender, sometimes funny stuff.
Talking Alphonse Stool ... It's so magical and special that it is not easy to find the words to speak, to make people want to read it. Yet it must be read, once you have it in their hands, it was very difficult to let go, you say "ho I'll just read this page" and before that realizing it was up 10 pages! The TGV
Alphonse stool is commonly abbreviated as a comic. But not a comic classic, do not expect to find bubbles and boxes defining each drawing. Not the transcribed words of pesonnages are bottom of the page with a picture in front of their faces expressing emotion. Say it as it may seem strange, but in fact it works very well, and we do not pay attention.
At first saw the drawing might pass for summary and basic, but it must linger to understand that it is much more work than it seems, and that this impression of simplicity is there to serve the story .
It therefore follows the life of a character who will be called Alphonse Stool. In fact, the subject is somehow the quest for friendship and the discovery of the world by this little character through encounters unusual and touching moments of melancholy, yet it is never as dramatic. From the moment you open the book, was smiling all the time. Not that this is funny, even if it happens, it's more that it's cute, pretty, beautiful even ... The style of the sentences is also very apt indeed. They are simple and very eloquent, very graphic. It's hard to explain with words they must see to understand.
In any case these images "simple" with the text "simple" (even if these are only impressions and behind that lies a greater depth) that adheres well to make this comic so special. BD which will appeal to both large and small, and it is also difficult to tell if it was designed for a specific audience or whether it was designed to please the greatest number, regardless of age.
In the end, we are here facing a real gem, we will not tire of reading and rereading, as it gives a smile every time. Anyway for me it's a real blow of heart!

Lelf who spoke about the first during one of his articles on his visit to the Quai des Bulles.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
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66th Madness: The Face of God
The "face of God"? It is the expression used by astrophysicist George Smoot (Nobel Prize 2006) when April 23, 1992, he succeeded, thanks to the COBE satellite, taking photos of the birth of the universe as it emerged from the cosmic darkness just 380,000 years after the Big Bang.
Since this term has been around the world, triggered the fury of the scientists, and upset the faithful. But, beyond these few words, what is the amazing secret behind the "baby universe"? Smoot Why is there seen the "face of God"? This book - fueled revelations provided by the new Planck satellite launched May 14, 2009 - approaches, as ever, this supreme mystery: the moment of Creation.
Three of the heroes of this fantasy adventure - Jim Peebles (Crafoord Prize in astronomy 2005), Robert W. Wilson (Nobel Prize 1978) and John Mather (Nobel Prize 2006) - afterword that book over which it is realized that science sometimes merges with the highest spirituality.
First, we must recognize that this book reads very easily, the authors have a very good style that flows well. Except maybe the two last three chapters employ some slightly more technical terms.
course given the subject of the book, one must have some knowledge of physics and astronomy, if albeit very simplified we may still not understand much.
The chapters are very short, about ten pages on average. They always end in a way that makes you want to know what's next.
The summary is not necessarily very explicit, focusing on the most famous expression of the "Face of God" much more "spectacular". This is mainly due to trace an outline and a simplified history of the universe, and the state of knowledge and discovery about it since the 20th century, globally and specifically in the last 50 years.
It's pretty funny to hear such a genius like Einstein was convinced that the Universe was fixed, had no beginning and never ending. He was so convinced he was dealing with violent and contemptuous manner the few scientists who dared to try to prove otherwise.
And it is also strange to hear that what most of us learned in school and take for granted, namely the Big Bang, has actually been proved only in 1965.
You learn really interesting things about how the researchers during all these years, made these discoveries, the earliest that issued the assumptions in the wildest can not prove anything, then the following that darkened the pages and pages of complicated calculations, to today where most of the old as new hypotheses and theories can be verified using satellite observation extremely powerful and capable of extreme precision.
We also learn that the universe is what it is thanks to the "laws" extremely accurate, up to several tens of decimal places. One might say that such precision is strange, and that's exactly what researchers have said that have been simulated by calculations taking values slightly higher or lower simply by increasing or decreasing by 1 the last digit ... And it turns out that each of these laws, simply change the last digit of 1 gives results quite impressive, in all cases where the universe as we know it would not. No galaxies, no stars, no planets, and especially no life.
And anyway, this leads many researchers to say that this is all very well calculated, and seems to have some sort of purpose, the emergence of life. And suddenly some think it could be something, a force, a kind of intelligence may be behind the Big Bang. This hypothesis
interesting and attractive, but I am a little suspicious to me, it makes me think about creationism or intelligent design theory . It is the only point that I shall make a reserve against this book which otherwise is very well designed, very well written and formidably documented because of the special relationship of the two authors with many scientists mentioned in this book .
The "face of God"? It is the expression used by astrophysicist George Smoot (Nobel Prize 2006) when April 23, 1992, he succeeded, thanks to the COBE satellite, taking photos of the birth of the universe as it emerged from the cosmic darkness just 380,000 years after the Big Bang.
Since this term has been around the world, triggered the fury of the scientists, and upset the faithful. But, beyond these few words, what is the amazing secret behind the "baby universe"? Smoot Why is there seen the "face of God"? This book - fueled revelations provided by the new Planck satellite launched May 14, 2009 - approaches, as ever, this supreme mystery: the moment of Creation.
Three of the heroes of this fantasy adventure - Jim Peebles (Crafoord Prize in astronomy 2005), Robert W. Wilson (Nobel Prize 1978) and John Mather (Nobel Prize 2006) - afterword that book over which it is realized that science sometimes merges with the highest spirituality.
First, we must recognize that this book reads very easily, the authors have a very good style that flows well. Except maybe the two last three chapters employ some slightly more technical terms.
course given the subject of the book, one must have some knowledge of physics and astronomy, if albeit very simplified we may still not understand much.
The chapters are very short, about ten pages on average. They always end in a way that makes you want to know what's next.
The summary is not necessarily very explicit, focusing on the most famous expression of the "Face of God" much more "spectacular". This is mainly due to trace an outline and a simplified history of the universe, and the state of knowledge and discovery about it since the 20th century, globally and specifically in the last 50 years.
It's pretty funny to hear such a genius like Einstein was convinced that the Universe was fixed, had no beginning and never ending. He was so convinced he was dealing with violent and contemptuous manner the few scientists who dared to try to prove otherwise.
And it is also strange to hear that what most of us learned in school and take for granted, namely the Big Bang, has actually been proved only in 1965.
You learn really interesting things about how the researchers during all these years, made these discoveries, the earliest that issued the assumptions in the wildest can not prove anything, then the following that darkened the pages and pages of complicated calculations, to today where most of the old as new hypotheses and theories can be verified using satellite observation extremely powerful and capable of extreme precision.
We also learn that the universe is what it is thanks to the "laws" extremely accurate, up to several tens of decimal places. One might say that such precision is strange, and that's exactly what researchers have said that have been simulated by calculations taking values slightly higher or lower simply by increasing or decreasing by 1 the last digit ... And it turns out that each of these laws, simply change the last digit of 1 gives results quite impressive, in all cases where the universe as we know it would not. No galaxies, no stars, no planets, and especially no life.
And anyway, this leads many researchers to say that this is all very well calculated, and seems to have some sort of purpose, the emergence of life. And suddenly some think it could be something, a force, a kind of intelligence may be behind the Big Bang. This hypothesis
interesting and attractive, but I am a little suspicious to me, it makes me think about creationism or intelligent design theory . It is the only point that I shall make a reserve against this book which otherwise is very well designed, very well written and formidably documented because of the special relationship of the two authors with many scientists mentioned in this book .
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