Once upon a time, Alphonse Stool. He was born in a forest, Sir, that was a bit busy with him, but not for long. One day the gentleman is angry, for a trifle nothing at all, leaving Alfonso himself. This is where his journey begins. Throughout the meetings, he discovers people, creatures, gadgets, which do grow a bit and make it nice and adventures without really wanting too. The TGV Alphonse stool, it's a walk a little naive and tender, sometimes funny stuff.
Talking Alphonse Stool ... It's so magical and special that it is not easy to find the words to speak, to make people want to read it. Yet it must be read, once you have it in their hands, it was very difficult to let go, you say "ho I'll just read this page" and before that realizing it was up 10 pages! The TGV
Alphonse stool is commonly abbreviated as a comic. But not a comic classic, do not expect to find bubbles and boxes defining each drawing. Not the transcribed words of pesonnages are bottom of the page with a picture in front of their faces expressing emotion. Say it as it may seem strange, but in fact it works very well, and we do not pay attention.
At first saw the drawing might pass for summary and basic, but it must linger to understand that it is much more work than it seems, and that this impression of simplicity is there to serve the story .
It therefore follows the life of a character who will be called Alphonse Stool. In fact, the subject is somehow the quest for friendship and the discovery of the world by this little character through encounters unusual and touching moments of melancholy, yet it is never as dramatic. From the moment you open the book, was smiling all the time. Not that this is funny, even if it happens, it's more that it's cute, pretty, beautiful even ... The style of the sentences is also very apt indeed. They are simple and very eloquent, very graphic. It's hard to explain with words they must see to understand.
In any case these images "simple" with the text "simple" (even if these are only impressions and behind that lies a greater depth) that adheres well to make this comic so special. BD which will appeal to both large and small, and it is also difficult to tell if it was designed for a specific audience or whether it was designed to please the greatest number, regardless of age.
In the end, we are here facing a real gem, we will not tire of reading and rereading, as it gives a smile every time. Anyway for me it's a real blow of heart!

Lelf who spoke about the first during one of his articles on his visit to the Quai des Bulles.

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