An impressive amount of beer events jostle in February 2011. These festivals, birthdays and other special events were less common there certainly would do two or three years. Certainly, there are not too Runner Drink two to cover such a surge event.
Two weeks ago, while your bloggers were crossing at Hill Farmstead, for a first visit that had been waiting far too long, they had to abandon the celebrations of the anniversary of the branch of St. Jerome's Dieu du Ciel!
Last week was the turn of Vice Versa and blowing his seventh candle. Can you believe it? 7 years! I was convinced that the gang was only in its fifth year.
In addition to their usual three dozen drums, Vices of the lads had come specially for the excellent wines of Dutch brewery De Molen. The brewery is notable for its products of exceptional fullness arising inter alia from a prominent place occupied by the yeast, rich and protein (which is not filtered of course). Barley Wine syrupy and comforting met on steroids Season IPA and oil well. With a band playing just for this particular event, it was a beautiful evening for the guests smiling.
And next week in all this? Rest assured, it is not left out next week with the evening hosted by Bedondaine Grands Crus. Your favorite blogger, Martin Thibault will also give a lecture on the oxidation due to aging of beer, a practice popular among Bedondaine. This event will be a blanket later. What else, oh yes, Benelux organizes a Another Cask Night. You have not forgotten the last, I hope? It was some 13 November and the event was combined with the launch of a book. In short, one of the most memorable evenings of last year for us and the Benelux it again, true to its new tradition. The worst? Imagine that David had already booked his Saturday tasting ice ciders blind large, an activity he wanted to organize a long time. No luck, it will be without elixirs and Montreal chamblyens this time. Needless to say, The Runner Feedings soon include an article on this subject.
Phew, exhausting all that! Thus, we take this opportunity to announce that we'll take a break, catch our breath issue. But no, this is not true, we will continue unabated because when you love it, it's not working.
Health and Good celebrations wherever you celebrate!

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